What am I learning from my testings?


We began to LOOK at trials, aka ‘testings of our faith’.

LEARNING: God Tests us!

LEARNING: Tests show us our hearts.

What did God show you about your heart?


Let’s see who else God tested; ‘how’and ‘why’.

Open GODcha to the Book of James.

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As We Open the Word, Let’s Pray

Oh Lord, we know Your hands made us and fashioned us; We ask today that You would give each one of us understanding, that we may learn Your commandments and live them out, (Psa 119:73). Thank you!


Keep LOOKING at What God Says!

Let GODcha usher us into God’s Truth.

Open GODcha’s LOOK Segment >

What will you do today to understand what God says?

Read God’s Word

Read James 1:2-4.

Ask the 5W’s and H Questions.

It’s critical to learn to read with a purpose, with a questioning mindset.

Engage now>


Let’s pick up where we left off yesterday, LOOKING at the Key Word ‘testing’.

Understand the Words God Uses

Remember, testing means a proving.


Let’s Check Out The Cross References 

For ‘Testing

CR-Cross References-Word Search Tutorial >

Reminding you to:

THINK and REASON asking the 5W’s and H.

Who does the testing?

Who was tested?

How were they tested?

Why were they tested?


And as we LOOK at these Cross References

Hear God Speak!

Develop A Special Closeness With Your Lord

Let’s Give It a Go! 

1. Who tested Job? Who did the testing? How? Why?

God Tested: Job 

Under God’s permissive will, Satan was God’s instrument. (Job 1:6-12)

To Refine Job who came forth as gold; (Job 23:10)

To Show Job that He is God the Creator. Job 38

The Result:

Job endured.

Job knew God had done it, (Job 12:9).

Job developed an intimacy with God – he saw God(Job 42:1-2, 5-6)



Do I recognize how I am being tested?

Am I enduring my testing, even if Satan is the instrument?

Do I realize, know, it is God who brings my trials to test me?

How am I being refined?  Am I coming forth as gold?

How do I see God?

What is God showing me about Himself in the testing? 

Am I being brought into a deeper intimacy with the Lord?

Respond to God…LIVE it out!


2. Who tested Paul? How? Why?

God Tested: Paul 

God would NOT remove the thorn given him, by a messenger of Satan, to keep him from exalting himself. (2Co 12:1-10)

The Result: Paul learned that God’s grace (power) is sufficient in his weaknesses.



Do I exalt myself? Why? How?

Has God given me a thorn, a test, to humble me and keep me from exalting myself?

What am I learning from the humbling?

Have I learned God’s grace is sufficient when I am weak?

Respond to God…LIVE it out!


3. Who tested Philip? How? Why?

God Tested: Philip 

To move his mind from the temporal, earthly feeding, to understand the spiritual feeding of Jesus. (Joh 6:1-14)



Is my mind stuck thinking about the temporal and earthly things?

What is God having to do to move my mind from the temporal and earthly, to the eternal?

Is my test changing my earthly perspective to a eternal perspective? 

What am I doing to receive my spiritual feeding from Jesus?

Respond to God…LIVE it out!


4. Who tested Abraham? How? Why?

God Tested: Abraham 

By commanding him to sacrifice his only son.

The Result:

Abraham proved his faith!

He proved what he really loved and worshiped. Gen 22


God was not interested in human sacrifice like the pagan gods, His law forbids such.

Rather, God wanted to prove Abraham’s love for Him.



Is my test to show me who and what I really love and worship?

Do I love my spouse, my child, my career, my position, my riches, and the list goes on –  more than God?

Or, do I love God?

What proves I love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength?

Do I have faith like Abraham; faith that would sacrifice like that?

Am I willing to sacrifice my life, ambitions, and desires to do what God calls me to do?

Respond to God…LIVE it out!


5. Why does God test us?

We saw back in Peter, and see here, the tests are to refine us like silver. (Psa 66:10); (Isa 48:10)



How is the testing of God refining me?

As I think of being refined like silver, what dross (sin and yuck) is rising, and being skimmed away?

Respond to God…LIVE it out!


What Did We LEARN?

Let’s Sum Up Yesterday and Today!


God tests us to prove our faith.

God brings testings to:

Reveal the condition of our hearts that we may not be aware of.

Bring us into a deeper intimacy.

Keep us from exalting ourselves. We need to be humble instead of prideful.

Teach us that His grace is sufficient in our weaknesses.

Move our minds from the temporal and earthly to understand the spiritual and eternal.

Reveal to us what we really love and worship.

Refine us like silver.


That’s It For Today!

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success,” (Jos 1:8).

So much to ponder today!


Is your faith being tested?

How is the testing drawing you closer to your Savior?

Are you more sensitive to the presence of God?

In the testing, are you able to look beyond your circumstances to the One who is bringing the trial of testing?


What is God teaching and confirming to you about testing that is encouraging and strengthening you?


Chat with God, and commit your way to Him, trust in Him, and allow Him to direct your paths, (Psa 37:5); (Pro 3:6)

Record Your Discovery in Your Notes.

I just can’t stress this enough.

You will be so glad you did! Don’t put it off.  Do it now!

Video Tutorial >   Notes Tutorial>


Let’s Take What We Learned, and Pray

We are learning to pray the Word,

thus, praying according to God’s Will.

Perhaps. . .

FATHER GOD, we thank you for Your Word that is right at our fingertips. Thank you for Your Spirit who is leading and guiding us to understand Your Holy Word. We know Your Word is there to teach us (show us what to believe); to reprove us (showing us where we are wrong in our belief and thinking); to correct us (how to take what is wrong and make it right); and to train us up in righteousness (how to live in the light of Your Truth), (2Ti 3:16-17).

Oh, forgive us for our lack of understanding regarding our trials and testings, for giving Satan so much credit. Help us to know that we know that You test us. You are refining us. I pray each one of us is more aware of our own hearts. Oh, forgive us for exalting ourselves, for our arrogance and pride, for our deeply ingrained self-love. Forgive us for being so earthly, temporal minded and so easily distracted and discouraged. Forgive us for not loving You and worshiping You as we should.

Oh, may we be cleansed. Purify our hearts, oh God! May we learn to be content in our trials, in our weaknesses, knowing when we are weak, then we are strong.  May we stand firm in Your grace that is all powerful and totally sufficient. Thank you Father. We ask these things in the mighty, powerful name of Jesus. Amen!


Isn’t it wonderful to hear God Speak to us?


Next: we will finish up ‘the testing of our faith’.

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