Am I a sayer? Or, am I a doer?
We began LOOKING at the next test, true faith produces works.
Let’s break this section up into smaller bites, sinking our teeth into just 1 verse, v14.
Open GODcha to the Book of James.
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Let’s Ask for Help
Lord, we come today, asking that You quiet our hearts and help us to concentrate. Help us to hear Your voice and be able to think and reason. Please give us clarity of mind so we will walk away today with more understanding.
What might you consider?
Remember CONTEXT
CONTEXT is the setting that Rules Interpretation.
What is the CONTEXT?
What was Chapter 2, verses 1-13 about?
Now, let GODcha guide you in your discovery.
Where will you begin?
READ God’s Word
Read James 2:14-20, asking the 5W’s and H.
Remember this is the most vital skill you can learn and develop.
Now, let’s focus specifically on verse 14.
What question does James ask?
How does he answer the question?
You know, you all have been doing so well I think you can do this on your own today.
It’s just 1 verse, why don’t you take a crack at it?
Don’t panic!
Pray, and let the Road Signs in GODcha lead you to implement the skills you are learning in order to LOOK at God’s Word accurately.
It is NOT hard! It is truly very easy!
Let me get you started.
Begin with Prayer.
Ask God for help! He will come to your aid to see His Truth because He wants you to see and hear Him!
As you read this verse, what words pop out? (Remember the #9 LEARN question? What are you going to concentrate on?)
Check out at least one of those Key Words. Just tap on the word(s) and check out the meaning in the Dictionary?
If there are others you are curious about, they are just a tap away!
Then take a peek at the Cross References GODcha offers for the Key Word(s) you are investigating.
CR-Cross References-Word Search Tutorial >
REASON and THINK by asking questions.
There are a few Cross References. Check out what you have time for.
Remember there is no rush! Your goal is not to race through a passage, but rather to engage with God, hear Him speak.
What is being Contrasted? Why?
Now, you continue in that attitude of prayer.
Remember if you are seeking, God will meet you right where you are at.
Your resident teacher, the Holy Spirit, is right there to help you.
It is just 1 verse.
Please make the effort! You can do this!
I will be praying all day for every single one of you. When we meet again, we will see what God taught all of us!
Next: we will go over verse 14 together.
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