Do I make plans apart from God?
We read James 4:13-17, with a questioning mindset.
We will zoom in on verses 13-15 LOOKING @ those who make their plans apart from God.
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Let’s Pray
Oh Lord, as we come to Your Word today, quiet our hearts and open our eyes to see and understand what You are saying and why. Help us to understand how we are to think. Please help us live according to Your Word. Thank you Lord, (Psa 119:169).
LOOK at What God Says!
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Let’s READ God’s Word
Read James 4:13-17 again, asking the 5W’s and H.
In verse 13, Who is James talking to?
What are they doing?
Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will . . . “
Is making plans for tomorrow wrong?
What is the sin that James is addressing?
Let’s squeeze some nutrition from this passage.
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Unlock the Meaning 
What would be Key?
‘You who say‘, and perhaps ‘tomorrow‘.
Let’s take a LOOK.
Understand God’s Words
Check Out the Meaning
Say, légō; To lay before, to utter definite words.
The Grammar is present tense.
This then is referring to those who continually talk like this.
Let’s do some Cross Referencing.
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1. How does Luke help us understand those who say?
Luk 12:16-21
Do you see ‘I will’, ‘I will’, ‘I will’?
Why was the man called a fool?
The man in this parable wasn’t called a fool because he had made a plan.
No, it was because he presumed to make his plans without taking God into account. (Luk 12:16-21)
How am I living my life?
Do I live like this, saying, ‘I will’, ‘I will’, ‘I will’, making plans without taking God into account?
Respond to God. . .LIVE it out!
Okay, so we see the problem, and realize how prideful!
In verse 14,
What does James say, that should humble us?
We don’t know what our lives will be like tomorrow.
1. What does God tell us about tomorrow?
Pro 27:1
Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth. (Pro 27:1)
THINK: How do you, and I, know what we can possibly do tomorrow?
THINK a bit deeper:
What things can we really NOT determine?
What about our parents?
Where we were born and the language we grew up speaking?
Who lives around us?
Opportunities that come our way?
Illness that may come?
And the list goes on.
Do you see? We are not in control! We are limited!
James wants us to see: Our Future is Uncertain!
Do I understand I am not in control of my life?
Or, do I believe and live as if I am in control?
Am I guilty about boasting about tomorrow?
Respond to God. . .LIVE it out!
2. What do you learn about ‘not knowing what your life will be’?
a. Psa 22:29; 102:11; 144:4
The psalms tell us over and over the shortness of man’s life. (Psa 22:29; 102:11; 144:4)
b. Psa 139:16; Job 14:5
Our days are determined before yet there is one. (Psa 139:16); (Job 14:5)
c. Rev 1:18
The Lord holds the keys to life and death. (Rev 1:18)
LISTEN: We all may plan to show up for work or school on Monday, but we don’t really know whether Monday will ever come for us.
We plan our vacation in a few months;
or plan to celebrate Christmas this year;
or to reach old age;
but none of us really knows for sure that we will.
Understand: It is ridiculous to make plans for the future without God!
We see: Tomorrow then is a gift. This life will pass giving way to eternity.
James wants us to see: The Frailty of Our Lives!
What ought we say, according to verse 15?
Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.”
1. What does it mean to ‘say if the Lord wills’ ?
a. Isa 46:9-10
God is God, there is no other, none like Him.
He declares the end from the beginning.
His purpose (His plan), will be established,
And He will accomplish all His good pleasure (desire). (Isa 46:9-10)
b. Act 18:21
Paul said he would return to them if God wills. (Act 18:21)
Understand: Nothing falls outside of God’s Rule!
We know: God is in control, and His will is Supreme!
He shapes everything in our lives.
Do I live trusting the Lord? Dependent upon the Lord?
Do I put God 1st, and the Lord willing?
Do I live with my hands wide open?
Respond to God. . .LIVE it out!
Let’s STOP a Minute!
So many say they don’t know what God’s will is. . .
1. What is God’s will?
a. Rev 4:11; Isa 43:7
We were created and are to live for God’s pleasure (will) and His glory. (Rev 4:11); (Isa 43:7)
What am I doing to live for God’s will and glorify Him?
b. 1Ti 2:4
He desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1Ti 2:4)
c. Eph 5:17-18
The Lord’s will is for man to be filled, controlled by, the Spirit. (Eph 5:17-18)
Have I come to Jesus to receive salvation and the Holy Spirit?
Am I living a Spirit-controlled life?
Do I have a heart, a passion, for others to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth?
How so? What am I doing for God’s purpose to be accomplished?
Respond to God. . .LIVE it out!
d. 1Th 4:3
God’s will is your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality. (1Th 4:3)
Am I living a sanctified life?
What must I do to abstain from sexual immorality?
Respond to God. . .LIVE it out!
e. 1Pe 2:14
God’s will is you submit to the law of the land. (1Pe 2:14)
Am I willing to submit to the government?
Respond to God. . .LIVE it out!
f. 1Pe 3:17; Eph 6:6
God’s will is that we suffer for doing what is right; NOT be man pleasers, but do His will from the heart. (1Pe 3:17); (Eph 6:6)
Am I living to please man, or God?
Am I willing to suffer for doing what is right?
Respond to God. . .LIVE it out!
2. What does God do?
Heb 13:20-21
Ultimately, God is there to equip us in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight. (Heb 13:20-21)
“God wants to do in you, what Christ died to make possible in you, that the Holy Spirit wants to energize in you, that you would do God’s will, and God is working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight.” John MacArthur
3. What was Jesus’ example?
Joh 4:34; Joh 7:17
Jesus came to do the will of God. (Joh 4:34); (Joh 7:17)
4. What should be the heart of one with true genuine faith?
Psa 40:8; Psa 143:10
Delight to do God’s will and be taught His will. (Psa 40:8); (Psa 143:10)
Remember we have a new heart, with the Law within, that causes us to want to do God’s will.
Do I desire to know and do God’s will?
Respond to God. . .LIVE it out!
Let’s Call It a Day!
Understand: If we live our lives the way God intended, then we will put Him 1st.
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Turn What We LEARNED into a Prayer 
Perhaps. . .
FATHER, we come with our flighty, finite, frail scheming hearts, and confess that we have been fools – many times we have stumbled into this sin, being like the man in Luke – guilty of making plans w/out consulting You or taking You into account. Forgive us for living as if we are in control of our lives, for boasting about what we will do tomorrow, when we might not even be here tomorrow. Help us to see and understand that Your plans need to be our plans. That You must be front and center, and if You are not, then we are in sin. We acknowledge that You are indeed God and there is no other! That everything in our lives falls under Your control. That You created each one of us for Your pleasure and glory. Warm our hearts to put You 1st and to desire to do Your will from our hearts! Thank you that You are right there equipping us in every way to do Your will, to carry out Your plans, and You are working in us to do what is pleasing in Your sight. We need your amazing love and grace and mercy! Stir our hearts and draw us closer to You. Help us to find life where it is only truly found! We ask these things in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!
Next: we will Wrap Up Chapter 4.
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