Week 4 DAY 5
Week 4 Jude 1:24-25
- LOOK at what God will do. Jude gives us the most beautiful doxology in all of Scripture.
- LISTEN to God speak as you focus on the LEARN/LIVE Questions.
What is the awesome Truth for you if you are saved and beloved?
How has such Truth set me free from any fear and worry?
Open GODcha to the Book of Jude
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Let’s Pray
And Continue With an Attitude of Prayer
Perhaps. . .
Lord, as we come to the close of this letter, may we not just read the end, but give us eyes to see the magnificent Truth that Jude closes with. May we truly hear and comprehend who You are! Oh, may Truth set us free. May we seek to be obedient to Your commands and contend earnestly for the faith! Thank you!
If you get STUCK at any point in your discovery, stop, and pray!
Our focus has been on the beloved and how they protect themselves from false teachings and contend for the faith.
Do you remember the instructions given to the beloved?
Take a LOOK
Now READ These Verses With Purpose
Read verses 24-25 – asking the who, what, where, when, why and how questions.
1st, think about the when?
Who is being talked about?
Read verses 24 – asking the who, what, where, when, why and how questions.
What do you see about God?
What is God able to do?
LOOK Closer
Key Words
GODcha gives some suggestions
God is always Key.
Let’s break down verse 24, point by point.
Add what you learn to your list on God.
Focus On
Now To Him Who Is Able –> Key
Word Meanings
ABLE, dúnamai; To be able, have power, both in a physical and moral sense.
Do Some Cross Referencing, (aka CR)
Find GODcha’s picks. Do a Word Search.
Remember as you read – ask the 5W and H questions.
1. What else do you learn about God being able?
Rom 16:25
2Co 9:8
Eph 3:20
Heb 7:25
2. Because God is able, what is our guarantee?
Joh 6:37-40, 44
Job 42:2
Understand: There is no question as to God’s ability.
Read verse 24 again – asking the who, what, where, when, why and how questions.
To Keep You From Stumbling –> Key
Word Meanings
Do you remember we have seen keep before?
We are kept for Jesus, and
We are to keep ourselves in the love of God.
Now we see God is able to keep us from stumbling.
KEEP, phulássō; to watch, be on guard; by implication to preserve, obey, avoid:—beware, keep (self), observe, save. To watch, keep watch.
STUMBLING, áptaistos; without sin:—from falling.
True believers can’t fall away, because God keeps us from falling away from Him.
God guards us.
Remember: take the meaning back to the text.
TIP: Mark this in your hardbound Bibles.
Do Some Cross Referencing, (aka CR)
Remember as you read – ask the 5W and H questions.
GODcha will help you see what God says.
What else do you learn about God being able to keep us from stumbling?
Psa 37:23-24
Psa 121:3
Jer 32:17
Joh 10:27-30
Phil 1:6
Read verse 24 again – asking the who, what, where, when, why and how questions.
Where will we stand?
How will we stand?
To Make You Stand
in the Presence of His Glory
Blameless With Great Joy –> Key
Word Meanings
Just a touch of your finger.
TO MAKE YOU STAND, hístēmi; To stand, to place. The opposite of falling (Rom. 14:4).
PRESENCE, katenoâpion; directly in front of. In the very presence of.
Where would this be?
GLORY, dóxa; dignity, honor, praise, worship.
(I) Spoken of honor due or rendered. (II) In the NT, spoken also of that which excites admiration or to which honor is ascribed:
(A) Of external conditions: dignity, splendor.
(B) Of an external appearance: luster, brightness, dazzling light.
(C) Of internal character: glorious moral attributes, excellence, perfection. As spoken of God: infinite perfection, divine majesty and holiness; of the divine perfections as manifested in the power of God.
BLAMELESS, ámōmos; Spotless, without blemish. In Eph. 5:27, Paul speaks of the church in its glorification being presented as holy and without blemish.
JOY, agallíasis; to exult. Exultation, exuberant joy.
Remember: take the meaning back to the text.
TIP: Mark this in your hardbound Bibles.
Do Some Cross Referencing, (aka CR)
Find GODcha’s picks.
Remember as you read – ask the 5W and H questions.
1. What are we standing in now, here on earth?
Why is this possible?
Why will we be made to stand in the presence of God’s glory?
Rom 5:1-4
2. What is Jude talking about when he refers to the presence of God’s glory?
a. Where was God’s glory?
Exo 24:16-17
2Ch 7:1
Eze 10:18; 11:23
b. When did God’s glory return?
Joh 1:14
c. Where is God’s glory now?
Act 7:55
d. What do you learn about God’s glory in the future?
Rev 21:10-11, 23
3. Who will not ever come into God’s presence?
Rev 21:27; Rev 22:15
4. What do you learn about blameless?
What does God do so we will be without blame?
1Th 5:23-24
Eph 1:4; 5:27
1Co 1:4-9
5. What do you learn about joy?
a. What happened when some came into the presence of God, here on earth?
Eze 1:28
Mat 17:1-6
Rev 1:17
b. Instead of fear, how does Jude say we will enter in the presence of God’s glory, in heaven?
c. What do you learn about this joy?
Psa 16:11
Mat 25:23
What Did You LEARN
GODcha’s #18 LEARN Question.
18. What is the awesome Truth for you if you are saved and beloved? (v24)
Sum It Up!
God is ABLE:
To establish (make us steadfast in mind, confirm, strengthen) us.
To make His grace abound to us, supplying all the grace we need to cover our sins.
To do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.
To save forever those who draw near to Him.
To give those who believe in Christ eternal life and raise us up on the last day.
To do all things, and His purpose cannot be thwarted.
We can relax and be assured of His ABILITY!
God Has the ABILITY to Keep Us From Stumbling while here on this earth!
He who keeps you will not slumber, establishing our steps, holding our hand and will not allow our foot to slip.
Because He has the power. Nothing is too difficult for Him.
No one can snatch you out of the Father’s hand.
Because He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
God is ABLE to take us to heaven where He is to Stand In the Presence of His Glory
On earth we are standing in His grace.
In heaven we will stand in the presence of His glory.
Blameless With No Fear but Great Joy!
By sanctifying us entirely, preserving us complete – spirit, soul and body. We will be without blame at Jesus’ coming.
Because He is faithful and will bring it to pass.
Because He chose us before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless.
He will present to Himself – the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.
Jesus will confirm us to the end, blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
LISTEN to God Speak
God Talks – We LISTEN!
We Talk – He LISTENS!
Oh, This is The Most Amazing Part of Your Journey!
GODcha’s #18 LEARN Question.
- How has such Truth set me free from any fear and worry? Is my heart and soul rejoicing right now, knowing:
a. God is ABLE;
b. God will keep me from stumbling;
c. God will make me stand in the presence of His glory;
d. God will present me blameless?
Respond to Him. . .LIVE it out!
We Are Done For the Day!
Mull over what God, through His Spirit just taught us.
Let me leave you with this:
“What do these schools have in common? Harvard, Yale, Columbia, William and Mary, Dartmouth, Princeton. “Well,” you say, “They’re all colleges.” You’re right—all universities. Right, but what do they have in common? You say, “Well, they’re Ivy League schools.” Most of them, but what do they have in common? They were all founded and built for the propagation of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Every one of them had a Bible foundation; every one of them was founded for the preaching of the gospel, the training of ministers, and godly Christian laymen, to spread the gospel across America. What a tragedy! The same thing that has happened to these schools has happened to many once-great denominations. And, the same thing that has happened to many once-great denominations has happened—God help us—to many churches. There has been an apostasy. The word apostasy means “a falling away from the faith,” or, “a turning from the faith.”” Adrian Rogers
Chat with God!
Note Your Discovery
Put your discovery in your Notes.
Record the personal things God has touched you with.
Video Tutorial> Notes Tutorial >
Let’s Bow Before the Father
Perhaps. . .
GRACIOUS FATHER IN HEAVEN, we bow before You, You who are able. We are so grateful for Your holy Word to us, for such knowledge to encourage us and set us free from any worry or fear. Oh, that You have a purpose and plan for each one of us that no one can thwart! Oh, that You are able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think to accomplish that plan. To present us to Yourself by Your incredible power because You have saved us forever; You are establishing us, making us steadfast in mind; You have given us eternal life and will raise us up on the last day! You who began a good work in us will perfect it, complete it. You are right there guarding us, seeing to it that we will not stumble. We will never fall away from You if we are truly saved! What an incredible promise! We thank you and are most grateful that because You chose us and called us into fellowship with Your Son, You are ever so faithful to sanctify each one of us, so we will stand in Your very presence blameless with great joy! Oh Hallelujah! What a Wonderful God You are! Thank you for such marvelous truths! To You in deed be glory, honor, and praise forever and ever. Amen!
I commend you for being faithful to be diligent to learn what God has to say to you.
Next: We will come to the end of Jude’s exhortation to us, and now see what God will do.
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