Week 2, DAY 1 and 2

Week 2 Jude 1:5-8


Today and Tomorrow

LOOK at Peter’s 2nd Letter

Open GODcha to the Book of Jude

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Do you remember. . .

Why Jude Wrote This Letter? 

Understand, everything that Jude wrote in his letter points back to the purpose.

If you can’t remember – check GODcha’s Overview.


And Continue With an Attitude of Prayer

Perhaps. . .

Oh Lord,  we hunger for Your Word of Truth and do desire to understand it in order to live it and know the fullness of blessing and bring You honor in Your Son’s name. Thank you.

If you get STUCK, stop and pray!


We Need To Consider CONTEXT

CONTEXT is the setting that Rules Interpretation.

Context Tutorial >

 Read Jude 1:4 

We need to keep mind Jude  identified True Believers 1st, and then began to identify those who are False.


We last looked at:

1. The presence of certain persons within the church who are false and ungodly.

UNDERSTANDNot everyone who names the name of Jesus is  a true child of God.

2. Their end is judgment that has been ordained and prophesied.

UNDERSTAND: There is judgment for those who make that profession, but are ungodly.

Let’s Take a LOOK 

Learn more>


Read 2Peter – just 3 Chapters asking the who, what, where, when, why and how questions.

Now, take a peek at the Overview.

  1. When and why did Peter write this letter?

Now check out when Jude wrote his letter.

2. What is Peter’s letter about?

Break it down according to Chapters.


Focus On

2Peter Chapter 2 and 3


Asking the who, what, where, when, why and how questions.

In Ch 2, Peter gives us the most thorough description of these certain persons that are false.

Who are they?

What are they like?

What do they do?

Why do they do what they do?

What are the 3 illustrations Peter gives to understand their end?

What is their end?

TIP: Don’t forget to add these facts to your list about these certain persons, the ungodly.

What Did You LEARN

THINK about what God just revealed to you!

You will see most of 2Peter was written about the false prophets, false teachers bringing destructive heresies into the church.

Chapter 1 – Wake Up Call to Remember.

Peter wants his readers to understand the importance of knowing the Word of God and relying on it.

No prophecy is a matter of man’s own interpretation, but God’s Word was written by men moved by the Holy Spirit.


Chapter 2 – False Teachers Will Rise Among You.

Peter begins with ‘but’, contrasting men in Ch 1, who have written what God spoke to them by the Spirit of God with men who are false.

Describes what the false are like and do.


Chapter 3 – Remember the Word. Mockers will come!

Peter forewarns they’re coming.

Peter spoke about the future.


The false will come bringing destructive heresies.

But those who build their lives on the Word of God will not likely be led astray by the false.


Jude, now just a few yrs later, is saying the false are here.

Certain persons have crept in unnoticed!

This is the fulfillment of what Peter warned us about!

Jude is speaking in the present. The Mockers have come!

And because they are here, infiltrating our seminaries, our Christian schools and organizations, our Christian literature, etc. maligning the Truth, we must earnestly contend for the faith!


Review your list of the ungodly.

What happens to those who turn from Truth?

What are we to do?

LISTEN to God Speak

God Talks – We LISTEN!

We Talk – He LISTENS!

Engage w/God >

LISTEN to His Voice

From GODcha’s Questions for 2 Peter.

Perhaps. . .

Ch1 – What do I know?

   What am I diligent to do?

   What do I believe about the prophecy of Scripture?     

Ch 2 – Have I turned from the Truth? 

Or, do I know Truth, able to recognize false teachers, whose lives malign the truth?

How can I escape their deception and error?

Ch 3 – What will I do to:

a. Remember the words spoken beforehand by the prophets, 2Pe 3:2?

b. Be holy in conduct, 2Pe 3:11?

c. Look for the new heaven and new earth, 2Pe 3:13?

d. Be diligent to be found blameless, 2Pe 3:14?

e. Be on guard and not be carried away by the error of unprincipled men and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, 2Pe 3:17-18?

What place does true knowledge have in my life?

Now Understand – This is a Time To:

Be cleansed by the Word –

A time for confession and repentance;

Concentrate and understand;

Be encouraged;

Be comforted;

Praise and thank God.

Go Ahead, Let That Intimacy Begin

Respond to Him. . .LIVE it out!

Now You Talk to Him>

Talk with God:

The Father, who loves and cares for you, and

His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for you!

Chat with Him about these Truths!

Enjoy that constant, conscience, communion with God today.

Take a Breath!

You are off to a great start!  

 Meditate on everything that came to the surface about these certain persons that have crept into the Church. 

For the one who meditates on God’s Word is blessed(Psalm 1:1-2). 


Don’t Forget To Log in Your Notes

Video Tutorial>  Notes Tutorial >

Put these Cross References not only in your Notes, but also in your hardbound Bibles.

Journal your conversation with the Lord.

Let’s Bow Before the Father

Perhaps. . .

FATHER GOD, I thank you for preserving Your Word of Truth and showing us these people who have crept into the church. Thank you for taking us deeper to understand their character and conduct. Help us to have the discernment to recognize them, and not be taken into error by them. Instead help us to know and understand Your Truth, to be protected from the false, and to be faithful to contend for the faith, Your Truth. I so pray these Truths will make us more aware and cognizant of who and what we are listening to. We ask these things in Your name, Lord Jesus. Amen!


You are doing great! Learning the Truth, to protect and guard the Truth!

Next: We will begin to LOOK at the 3 OT Illustrations to understand the ungodly who have crept into the church.

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