Would I do a good thing for a bad person?
Week 2 DAY 6
Today we will end our journey in Esther Chapter 2 and finish Segment 1.
Let’s Pray
O LORD, gracious Lord, thank you for this book, and for the one who wrote this drama for us to have today right at our fingertips. We come today realizing we too are in exile, and You have much for us to learn as we live in this world that is not our home. May You instruct and teach us properly, (Isa 28:26). Give us ears to hear and grant us the understanding we need to be changed and live our lives for You. Thank you!
And Continue With an Attitude of Prayer
Consider Context
CONTEXT is the setting that Rules Interpretation.
Now we have seen that Esther, a young beautiful woman, who is a Jew on the inside, but a Persian on the outside, has become the queen of Persia, meaning she married an unbelieving Gentile king, which for a Jew is a clear violation of God’s law.
Today: Mordecai Saves the King
Let’s LOOK at What God Says 
Remember: We Begin LOOKING By READING
Don’t Forget to READ With Purpose
Read Esther 2:21-23 asking the who, what, where, when, why and how questions.
What happens?
Reflect on the events that demonstrate God’s hidden hand.
Focus on verse 21.
Notice the when.
Where is Mordecai?
Do you remember what we discovered about Mordecai being at the king’s gate in v19?
Who are we introduced to?
What do they want to do?
The New Characters, ‘The Officials‘ Would Be Key
Why would they be angry and try to lay hands on the king?
Go to GODcha’s Dictionary
I think if you check ‘officials’ out, this paragraph may make more sense.
Tap on the words in your Bible.
Do you see the definitions pop open?
OFFICIALS, sariys; from an unused root meaning to castrate; a eunuch.
NOTE: Take what you have learned back to the text, to see what it means in its CONTEXT.
TIP: I would encourage you to note these in your hardbound Bibles.
We had a question early on. Do you remember?
Why would the king castrate these men?
“The king had this huge harem with lots of women, and he knew that if he allowed men to work in the presence of these women, many of whom he neglected, never spoke to, didn’t even know, well these men would pursue these women and these women would fall in love with these men.
So, what he would do is he would take and have the men castrated that worked in the presence of the harem. And history records that he would take upwards of five hundred young men a year and have them castrated. It’s like being drafted in the military. You now belong to the king, he’s called your number, he’s going to castrate you, and you’re going to work in the palace.” Mark Driscoll
Oh now THINK:
Connect the dots. The king had made them eunuchs.
Do you think they wanted to be eunuchs?
No wonder they’re angry.
Kind of makes sense that they would want to kill this king, doesn’t it?
THINK a bit more:
I think of our 45th President of America, and wonder how many assassination attempts were made on his life that were foiled? I also think of how he was betrayed by those closest to him.
LISTEN to the Spirit
If a leader, am I prayerful and wise about those I trust and allow to be close to me?
What Happens in Verse 22?
Read Esther 2:21-23. Yes, again.
Focus on verse 22.
There is a plot planned by 2 of the kings officials.
The plot is made known to Mordecai.
But, in contrast to the officials, what did Mordecai do?
What Mordecai does is key.
Check Out The Cross References (aka CR).
Remember: God uses Truth to explain Truth!
Seeing what this king was like, Mordecai could have remained silent. But what did he fulfill?
1Pe 2:13-17
LISTEN to the Spirit
Do I fear God? Do I honor King Jesus? How?
Do I honor the king and governing authorities as commanded?
Would I have remained silent?
Or would I have done a good thing for a not so nice of a person?
Would I have feared God and honored the king?
What if Mordecai had not been sitting at the gate on this specific day?
What would have happened?
Do you see God’s hand working behind the scenes?
This should so encourage us.
Today: Mordecai Saves the King
At Verse 23
Read Esther 2:21-23 again.
Focus on verse 23.
What was done regarding the plot?
What happened to the 2 officials who plotted to kill the king?
What Would Be Key?
Do we really know what the ‘gallows‘ are?
Check out the Meaning
GALLOWS, ‘ēṣ A masculine noun referring to a tree, wood, timber, a stick, a plank. It refers to a tree or pole on which a slain person was hanged.
Scholars believe this probably refers not to a hanging with a noose around the neck, but to impalement on a stake, much like crucifixion.
“A pointed stake is set upright in the ground, and the culprit is taken, placed on the sharp point, and then pulled down by his legs till the stake that went in at the fundament passes up through the body and comes out through the neck.” Clarke
History shows us that crucifixion started about this time, 400-500 yrs before Christ, and the Romans perfected it, who crucified Jesus.
You try to kill the king, he has the right to crucify you publicly, so everyone can see it, thus discouraging anyone else to try and kill the king.
You know what to do.
Check Out The Cross References (aka CR) About the Gallows
1. What do you learn about the gallows from Ezra?
Ezr 6:11
2. What do you learn about people and their deeds as we see these officials who were hung on a gallows for their deeds?
Pro 13:21
Mat 16:27
Gal 6:7
LISTEN to the Spirit
What are my deeds?
Do I understand I will reap what I sow?
Take Another Peek
At Verse 23
Read verse 23 again.
Where was this assassination attempt written?
Written in the presence of who?
What Did You LEARN
Check Out GODcha’s #18 LEARN Question(s)
#18. Turn your focus back to Mordecai, how does he save the king? What happened? Was Mordecai rewarded? (v21-23)
Sum It Up!
‘In those days‘ – refers to when Esther was made queen and the virgins were gathered a 2nd time.
Mordecai was sitting at the gate. Do you remember we discovered back in verse 19 that Mordecai being at the king’s gate meant Mordecai held some important position in the king’s government.
We are introduced to Bigthan and Teresh who are two of the king’s officials from those who guarded the door. Kind of like Secret Service agents.
They became angry and sought to lay hands on King Ahasuerus.
We Discovered:
These officials were made eunuchs, which could be why they were angry and wanted to assassinate the king.
The plot became known to Mordecai.
Mordecai passed this information on to Esther, who in turn passed it on to the king.
After investigating and finding the information to be true, the 2 officials were hanged on a gallows, and it was recorded in the Book of the Chronicles before the king.
We Discover:
As we LOOK at Mordecai’s deeds in contrast to the 2 Officials deeds:
Mordecai who was Jewish, was loyal to the pagan self-centered king, fulfilling 1Pe 2:17, fearing God, and honoring the king.
The 2 officials plotted to assassinate the king and were hanged on a gallows.
We Discover:
Gallows literally is a tree, meaning they were impaled on a pole, a stake.
As we consider deeds, we Discover:
God tells us in Proverbs that adversity pursues sinners, but the righteous will be rewarded with prosperity.
When Jesus, the Son of Man, comes with His angels, He will repay every man according to his deeds.
We must not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.
Now. . .
“Acts of loyalty were usually rewarded immediately and generously by Persian kings, but Mordecai’s reward was apparently overlooked. Although this attempt on Xerxes’ life was foiled, Herodotus reports that a subsequent attempt succeeded when the king was assassinated in his bedroom in 465 B.C”. Karen Jobes
Mordecai does a good deed, and is not recognized for it.
Remember: Who grants favor with others?
Remember: Who exalts and brings low?
THINK a bit more:
We have seen that Mordecai has been living a compromised life, right?
Not to mention, he influenced Esther to be in an immoral, compromising, situation.
Are there consequences? If we don’t know, we should know, there are consequences when we sin. God tells us not to be deceived, we will reap what we sow, Gal 6:7.
Now hear God, His grace is totally sufficient to forgive any sin, ANY, when we turn to Him in repentance. But, we must not ignore that there are consequences to sinful compromise in our lives.
LISTEN to the Spirit
Am I deceived? Am I living in sin?
How have I compromised and been swept away by the world and it’s ways?
What have been the consequences for my choices and decisions?
Perhaps God Is Asking You
Check Out GODcha’s #18 LIVE Question(s)
18. Consider the king, the leader, and then Mordecai.
a. If I am in leadership, when and how have I been betrayed?
b. If I am close to those in leadership, whether they are good or bad, and heard of an assassination plot, would I help, or remain silent?
c When have I done a good deed that went unrecognized and unrewarded?
Respond to Him. . . LIVE it out!
We Don’t Just LISTEN,
We Speak to God!
Do you see?
You just don’t read a verse and move on.
No, you and I must learn to
absorb what God is saying,
feel what He is saying,
experience what He is saying!
You want to train yourself:
to HEAR what God is saying to you,
LISTEN carefully, and
LIVE in the light of His Truths.
Oh, don’t be in a hurry,
slow down and discover this sweet communion with God, your Loving, Almighty, Powerful Creator!
Okay, One Last Thing to Do
To Wrap Up Chapter 2, GODcha directs us to Summarize the Paragraphs, and then the Chapter.
This helps you grasp and process what you have LEARNED, cementing this Chapter down deep into your heart and you will remember it.
Come on try it, you will be so glad you did!
1. Read all of Esther Chapter 2.
To refresh your minds and remember the main topics or what was Key in these 6 paragraphs.
2. When you go through this process,
Thinking and reasoning God’s Truths,
Then God is able to seal Truth into your memory!
3. Now to Summarize.
Keep the summary to 4-6 Words or less if possible.
Why? Because it will be easier to remember.
4. DO NOT paraphrase!
Use the Words God uses.
(Paraphrasing can change the meaning. And, we want to know and bury God’s Word, that has the power, into our heads and hearts.)
This Chapter is not hard at all.
Try it on your own before you go any further.
I will help you after you give it a shot!
You can do this!
I know you can!
Okay, let’s see how you did.
We determined the Main Points are:
v1-4 The King Receives Counsel
v5-7 Meet Mordecai/Esther
v8-11 Esther Taken to Palace
v12-16 Esther’s Turn
v17-20 Esther Made Queen
v21-23 Mordecai Saves King
How Would You Summarize Chapter 2?
What about: Esther Becomes Queen
Awesome, you all!
I am so proud of you, and
I sincerely thank you for staying with us on this journey!
We took it slow purposely to show you how much you can discover if you are willing. I thank God you have been willing!
Are you amazed at how READING and re-reading helped bury God’s Word into your heads and hearts?
Are you amazed at what you have LEARNED and the intimate encounters you have had with your Lord?
Do you see more and more the importance of knowing God’s Word?
Do you realize, you have been disciplined to show yourselves approved unto God, (2Ti 2:15)?
I pray you will urge others to join in this discovery and do the same!
Chapter 2 is a Wrap!
Meditate on everything God is teaching you.
“For the one who meditates on God’s Word is blessed,” (Psalm 1:1-2).
What are you learning about God?
What have you learned about yourself?
Is there some action God is requiring of you?
Do you need to confess and repent?
Log Your Discovery

Video Tutorial>Notes Tutorial >
Take a minute to put the Definitions and Cross References (CR) not only in your Notes, but also in your hardbound Bibles.
I would encourage you to also put the main points of each paragraph in your hardbound Bibles. You will be so glad you did!
Let’s Close in Prayer
OH FATHER GOD, we praise You and thank you for the Truths You have revealed to us in Your written Word. Oh Father God, we thank you that You speak to each of us in that still small voice. We ask that You increase our sensitivity to Your voice. May we begin to hear what You are saying to us through Your Word.
Oh Father, thank you for showing us this earthly king, but reminding us of You who is King over all the earth, and Jesus who is the King of every king, who loves us and will never banish us! And thank you for showing us the incredible truths about Mordecai and Esther who we know end godly in this drama, but in the beginning they were like all of us, claiming to be Your followers, but sucked into the world and it’s ways. Thank you for the encouragement You give to each one of us, knowing You are working behind the scenes in our lives, as You worked in Your people’s lives in Esther’s day. Thank you for Your GOOD NEWS, and the the hope we have in You through our Lord Jesus! May we be willing to confess and repent and press forward to live for You, for You Lord Jesus. May we be used by You for Your kingdom purposes. In Jesus name we ask these things. Amen!
Please know that God established a pattern for mankind, and that pattern is that we work six days and then we have one day when we set it aside to rest, and replenish our body, and focus on worshiping God. Rest tomorrow and worship God!
See you next time to LOOK @ the next Segment of Esther, Chapters 3-4.
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