Do I wisely know how to do the right thing, at the right time, the right way?
Week 1 DAY 5
We will:
- LOOK at Esther Chapter 5:5-8, a small bite at a time.
- LEARN ‘how‘ to incorporate GODcha’s tools along the way.
- LISTEN to God speak to us as we focus on GODcha’s LEARN/LIVE question –
And Continue With an Attitude of Prayer
O LORD, we come today to see You in a fresh new way, and to see ourselves. May we have ears to hear what You are saying to us in Your Word of Truth. Oh give us the understanding we need in order to live in obedience to You. May we know the fullness of blessing and bring You honor in Your Son’s name. Thank you.
If you get STUCK at any point in your discovery, stop, and pray!
GOD, your Creator, loves you and desires to reveal much to you.
In Esther Chapter 5:1-4
We left off seeing Esther’s faith by identifying with God. She prepared spiritually and physically to meet the king, willing to die to save her people.
Esther was wise and discerning approaching the king with respect to win his favor, and then appealed to what he loved by inviting him to a banquet.
Now, let’s see how the story unfolds.
At Veres 5-8
Always Begin By READING
READ Esther 5:5-8 and ask the who, what, where, when, why and how questions.
What does the king do?
What happens?
Reflect on the events that demonstrate God’s hidden hand.
What would be key?
Let’s work our way backwards and check out GODcha’s LEARN and LIVE Question(s) for help.
What Did You LEARN?
Check Out GODcha’s #5 LEARN Question(s).
#5. At the 1st banquet, again the king asks Esther her request.
a. How does Esther reply?
b. Why do you suppose she doesn’t just outright ask the king to save her people, CR? Why wait til tomorrow? (5-8)
Now do you see what to focus on?
What happens at the 1st banquet is key.
Do you remember what banquet means?
Check out the Cross References.
1. What is God showing you about Esther’s reply at the 1st banquet?
Pro 16:1, 9
2. What do you learn about tomorrows?
Ecc 3:1, 17; 8:6
2Pe 3:8
Psa 27:14
Pro 3:5-6
What Did You LEARN 
Sum It Up!
The king invited Haman to the banquet Esther had prepared. And they both went that day to the 1st banquet.
As they drank wine, the king asked Esther what she wanted and he would grant it to her. Again, offering her half the kingdom.
Esther suggested that if she had found favor in the king’s sight,
if it pleases the king to grant my petition and do what I request,
then come to the banquet
which I will prepare tomorrow.
Esther has peaked the king’s curiosity, thus the king would be more eager to fulfill her wish.
Esther is saying, if you come to the banquet tomorrow, then you will give me my request.
So her wise plan and reply to the king is to have another banquet, telling the king we can talk about it all tomorrow. And if the king showed up tomorrow that meant he would give her what she requested.
We Discover:
At this 1st banquet God is sovereignly working, nudging Esther to wait until tomorrow. It wasn’t the right time to speak as Pro 16:1 and 9 show us.
– The plans of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.
– The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.
We Discover:
As we think about waiting til tomorrow:
– There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven — Ecc 3:1;
– Including the judgment of the righteous and the wicked, Ecc 3:17.
– There is a proper time and procedure for every delight, though a man’s trouble is heavy upon him, Ecc 8:6.
– With the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day, 2Pe 3:8.
– So we learn to wait for the LORD;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the LORD, Psa 27.
– Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight, Pro 3:5-6.
So Esther was nudged to wait and directed to plan a 2nd banquet, tomorrow.
I like how one writer put it, “God hit the pause button.”
– Think how hard this must have been.
“God put it into Esther’s heart to delay her petition a day longer; she knew not, but God did, what was to happen in that very night.” Matthew Henry
– We will see God was working in this period of waiting, and He does the same for you and me. We must not get discouraged because we never know what God’s tomorrow will bring. An incredible turn of events was on the horizon.
LISTEN to the Spirit
Has God pushed the pause button on me? Does He have me in a season of waiting?
Am I frustrated? Discouraged?
What has God taught me today about waiting for His perfect tomorrows?
Chat With God
Much to Ponder as we finish this paragraph with our focus on Esther who took on her roles as God’s instrument being the Queen of Persia.
1. What is her attitude toward the king, who is in authority, and who is not good, not godly, and very powerful?
2. What character traits do you see surface as you watch Esther and how she deals with the king?
– Do you see how respectful Esther is? Are you inspired as she displays wisdom? And what about humility?
– The king has no idea there is anything wrong, so she must have been emotionally composed.
– We know Esther had come to faith, for we are seeing the change.
-And now we see courage.
– She is showing us courageous faith, an active faith, even when it doesn’t make sense.
“Courage is not just one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.” C.S. Lewis
– Courage here is to put her faith to the test. To act on what she believed, especially about God.
– Do you remember the definition of faith? The 3 C’s? Here we are seeing Esther’s conduct that is giving evidence of her convictions and commitment to the Lord.
“What good is it if someone says they have faith but no works… Faith by itself if it doesn’t have works is”, Jam 2:14, 20, 26.
LISTEN to the Spirit
What is God calling me to do to show (prove) my faith is real?
Chat With God
What else might the Spirit be saying to you?
Check Out GODcha’s #5 LIVE Question(s)
#5. When was the last time I knew what needed to be said, but felt the Lord tap the pause button, nudging me to remain silent?
a. Did I wait? Or, did I ignore God’s nudge, jumped in, hasty to reply?
– What happened?
– Did I regret it later?
b. What must I do to have self- control to wait for God’s tomorrow, his perfect timing?
Don’t Forget
Respond to God, LIVE It Out!
Stop and Take a Breath!
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord,” (Col 3:16).
Reflect and Meditate on what you have LEARNED!
Talk to God about how you are to live in the light of this Truth.
Save Your Discovery
In Your Notes

Did you have questions?
Put them in your Notes.
Ask God to answer them.
He will!
Record your discovery in your Notes and in your hardbound Bibles.
Let’s Close in Prayer
OUR GRACIOUS HEAVENLY FATHER IN HEAVEN, we so praise You and lift You high for You alone are worthy of our honor, glory, and praise. Help us to consider and truly ponder Your Word to us today! Oh such a lesson for us today as we genuinely see You and how You work! Oh in our circumstances of life cement these truths down deep, oh so very, very deep! We do so want to acknowledge You in all our ways! So help us to understand that we may have plans, but Your plans and ways are always better than ours, thus You are the One who directs us! You are the One who makes our paths straight! And if You have hit the pause button today, may we pay heed to Your nudging’s. May You bring to our remembrance that there is an appointed time for everything! Help us not to lean on our own understanding, and remember that Your timing is perfect! PERFECT! Oh, help us trust in You! So much so that we won’t mind waiting for Your tomorrows, knowing that You are working in the waiting periods. Help us to be strong and let our hearts take courage as we learn to wait on You.
And I would ask that You help us all to be humble and respectful to those we are dealing with. Grant us the wisdom we need to handle the circumstances we are walking in right now, today, Your way! In Jesus’ Name we ask these things. Amen!
Thank you for hanging in there, and being disciplined to discover and learn truth!
See you in a couple of days to continue LOOKING @ Esther Chapter 5, specifically Est Ch 5:9-13.
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