How Do I Use My Tongue?

Well it’s a New Year, time for those resolutions! Perhaps as we come to our next test to prove our faith, we should seriously consider our tongues. For True Living Faith is demonstrated in our speech! Why? Because our tongues reveal what is in our hearts! Perhaps that is why James mentions the tongue in every chapter, showing up in all the other tests that God gives us. God gave us a tongue to communicate with, and our words can either hurt or heal, destroy or encourage and strengthen.

Did you know the first actual sin after the fall was a sin of the tongue in Genesis 3:12, when Adam actually slandered and accused God, blaming God for the sin? The wretchedness of man is in the tongue.

I thought it was fascinating that some studies say on an average men speak 7,000 words a day and women are chatter boxes speaking up to 20,000 words a day. No matter who we are or what we do all day long, we talk!

But that isn’t taking into account this digital age that has ushered in new avenues to speak our words.  Facebook and Twitter, are platforms, where people freely express their views. About 2 billion people use Facebook a month, one-sixth of the world’s population—uses the platform every day. Often times with misinformation and speech that degrades, insults, or threatens people igniting violence.

The power of speech is one of the greatest powers God has given us, and James gives us six pictures of the tongue to show us its power. Let’s take a LOOK.


We finished LOOKING at Chapter 2, about Partiality, and DEAD Faith versus LIVING Faith.

How did you respond to the Spirit as He spoke to you? 


Our journey has us chewing on another 12 verses, James 3:1-12, again with a two-fold objective.  We want to:

1. LOOK at the truths in James to answer the LIVE question: What comes from my tongue?

Open GODcha to the Book of James.

Work in Split View >


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