Do I love, live for, and serve God and the Lord Jesus?
We focused on HEARING God Speak about being His bond-servant.
We understand: God talks, We listen; We talk, He listens!
We will move outside of James, LOOKING at Cross References about bond-servant.
Open GODcha to the Book of James.
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Do You Remember . . .
Why James Wrote This Letter?
You need to get this under your belt!
Because EVERYTHING written in this letter, points back to those 3 points.
You will understand this when we get deeper into James’ letter.
The OVERVIEW is just a touch away!
Begin in Prayer
Oh Lord, we are hungry and thirsty. May Your Spirit instruct us today as we come to Your spiritual food, Your Living Word. Lord, please help us to focus, hear Your voice and understand what You are teaching us. Thank you Lord, (Neh 9:20)!
LOOK at What God Says
What does GODcha suggest?
How will you begin?
Read verse 1 again, asking the 5W’s and H.
Yes, run through verse 1 once again to refresh your memory and practice reading with purpose.
Certain skills to help us LOOK at God’s Word correctly.
We have gone over:
Reading with a purpose,
Defining those Key Words,
Listening to God. . .
Today, We Want To Learn To
LOOK at Cross References (aka CR)!
God’s Word is Truth
God Uses Truth to Explain Truth
We want to see the importance of Cross References,
because the infallible interpretation of Scripture
is Scripture.
GODcha Offers Us
A Couple of Ways to View Other References of Truth
1. The LOOK Segment:
Suggests some Cross References for what you are trying to understand.
CR-Cross References-Word Search Tutorial >
2. The Word Search:
A way to select the word you want to understand, giving you EVERY Reference to that word which is found in the Bible.
We will go over this at another time.
CR-Cross References-Word Search Video >
Our Focus Today
Is to LOOK at GODcha’s Cross Reference Suggestions.
Found In the Opened LOOK Section
1. Scroll through the Road Signs.
2. Find the Cross References.
3. To Open: Tap the
4. Do you see Ch 1:1-4: ‘bond-servant’ (Jam 1:1)?
Great, we’re ready to start LOOKING!
Do you see the 1st Cross Reference, (Exo 21:5-6)?
To Open: Tap (Exo 21:5-6)!
To Close: Tap anywhere outside the purple text box.
Now, read Exo 21:5-6 with a purpose, asking the 5W’s and H questions.
What does God say about bond-servants?
A ‘bond-servant‘:
Loved his master;
Was a freed slave, but;
Chose to stay with his master;
Thus, was devoted to his master; and
Would serve his master permanently.
Now As You Read Seeing Each Fact…
Did You Hear God Speak?
Be still and listen with the ears of your heart.
Can you hear God speak to you from Exodus 21:5-6?
Remember, take each truth and put them in the form of a personal question.
Let Me Help You LISTEN…
We see a ‘bond-servant’:
1. Loved his master. . .
what might the Spirit be asking?
Who is my Master?
Is God the Father my Master?
What about God the Son, the Lord Jesus – is He my Master?
Do I love God? Do I love Jesus?
How do I show my love to God and Jesus?
Respond to God…LIVE it out!
We see a ‘bond-servant’:
2. Was a freed slave. . .
LISTEN. . . to the Spirit speak!
Am I a freed slave?
If so, what have I been freed from?
Am I still in bondage?
What am I in bondage to?
Respond to God…LIVE it out!
We see a ‘bond-servant’:
3. Chose to stay with his master. . .
Have I chosen to stay with Jesus?
Have I rejected Jesus? Why?
Respond to God…LIVE it out!
We see a ‘bond-servant’:
4. Was devoted to his master. . .
What gives evidence of my love and devotion to God and Jesus?
What interferes with my devotion?
What do I give my devotion to, other than God and Jesus?
Respond to God…LIVE it out!
We see a ‘bond-servant’:
5. Would serve his master permanently.
Am I willing to serve God and Jesus permanently?
Am I self serving?
How Will I Respond to God…LIVE it out?
Oh, hasn’t this been a great day with the Lord?
We’ll finish up tomorrow. But for now….
Take a Breath!
Soak in all God is saying and teaching you.
What stirred your heart?
Chat with God and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Have that constant, conscience, communion with them all day today about being a bond-servant!
Journal Your Discovery in Your Notes 
Expressing Yourself is Part of the Learning Process.
When you record your discovery and how God spoke to you,
it affords you the opportunity to go back again and again to refresh your memory,
talk to God, and
be obedient to your response.
Video Tutorial> Notes Tutorial >
Let’s Pray
OH FATHER GOD, thank you for Your servant James, who spoke this one little verse under Your inspiration that speaks mountains to our hearts. And thank you for Your servant Moses, who spoke to us from Exodus today! As we see such truths, forgive us Lord where we have failed to love You, being wholly devoted to You. Oh, forgive us for not living for You, and instead have lived for ourselves. Oh Lord, help us to live our lives in better service to You, as we so desire to be pleasing to You and to do Your will. Oh, may everything be motivated by our love for You and for You Lord Jesus! May we all be able to answer yes to this LIVE question. Yes, we are definitely Your bond-servants! Amen!
Tomorrow: We will finish LOOKING @ ‘Bond-servant’.
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Jany verseette, today was so good and so deep. I would have gotten pass the first verse way too quickly without you walking us through it. Thank you for inspiring me to do the same with every verse. Just loved my time with God today. Thank you.