Am I guilty of speaking against others?
Speaking against one another, should really hit home for us today, in 2018, with the airwaves, internet, and social media bombarding us with so many speaking against others. You will soon discover this really means to slander another, to defame someone’s character, hurt someone’s reputation! Did you know in America, defamation of character is punishable by law? I am shocked as I watch and hear believer’s, whom God has allowed to be on the world’s stage, proclaim things that are false about others in a very subtle way! I am even more shocked at the lack of discernment in the church, as many follow, share and repeat the slander! But can you, or I, cast the stone? I can’t speak for you, but as for me, the Lord has grabbed me in these 2 mighty verses, convicting me. And I have had to examine myself! What, when and why have I spoken against another? Even if what I spoke was true, what were my motives? Or, do we judge others without removing our own log? You and I need to ask ourselves why we do this? And realize that what we say about others actually reflects our character! We might have thought speaking against another was not very serious, but as we go in to look at what God says, we will discover that it is one of the most damaging of all sins!
We finished LOOKING at Chapter 4:1-10, about being humble to receive God’s grace.
How did you respond to the Spirit as He spoke to you?
Our journey has us digging in to the next test about ‘speaking against one another’.
Again with a two-fold objective. We want to:
1. LOOK at the truths in James to answer the LEARN and LIVE questions.
The Big Picture of the Book of James
Do you remember when we first began this journey,
We looked at the Big Picture!
Perhaps Review!
Why Did James Write This Letter?
Check out the Overview in GODcha if you can’t remember.
What was James’ emphasis?
This series of tests that James gives is to:
- Show us how to live our faith; and
- Uncover a false faith, and
- Turn men and women from the error of their ways.
Before We Begin, Let’s Pray
O LORD, we hunger for Your Word of Truth and do desire to understand it in order to live it and know the fullness of blessing and bring You honor in Your Son’s name. Thank you.
Before We Begin
Consider Context
CONTEXT is the setting that Rules Interpretation.
What was James 4:1-10 about?
What does it have to do with verses 11-12?
James just finished telling us about conflicts, and
God is opposed to the proud,
explaining humility is what is needed to receive God’s amazing grace.
Now, he wants us to understand that the way pride is seen
is when one speaks against and/or judges his brother.
Let’s LOOK!
Go to the LEARN/LIVE Section
Open the Deeper Discovery
Scroll to the #14 LEARN Questions.
#14. As you look at the next test of faith,
What do you understand about the one who speaks against a brother or judges a neighbor, who is actually speaking against the Law?
What will the One who gave the Law do, CR?
When is it okay to judge, CR? (v11-12)
Now, what will you want to concentrate on to help you stay focused?
Let’s LOOK at What God Says About
Speaking Against and/or Judging a Brother
Let GODcha guide you in your discovery.
Open the LOOK Section
Where shall we begin?
Always Begin LOOKING
Read the next paragraph, James 4:11-12, asking the 5W’s and H (who, what, where, when, why, and how) questions to see what God says.
The only way to learn this critical skill – is to do it.
Try it.
Give it your best shot and then come back for help.
TIP: Focus on the nouns and verbs.
How did you do?
Let’s dive in and read together.
WHAT does James command?
11 Do not WHAT?
against WHO?
against one another,
WHO is not to speak against one another?
brethren. (Who are the brethren?)
WHY not speak against one another?
He who WHAT?
speaks against
a brother
his brother,
WHAT is true?
WHAT is one speaking against?
speaks against
the law
WHAT else does this one do?
the law;
if WHO?
if you
judge WHAT?
the law,
you are WHAT?
you are not a doer of the law
you are WHAT?
you are a judge of it
of WHAT?
(the law).
(What is being contrasted?)
WHAT is there?
12 There is only one
WHAT else?
WHO is it?
the One
who is able to save
WHAT else?
to destroy;
WHAT about you?
who are you
who WHAT?
who judge
your neighbor?
(What else is being contrasted?)
Easy as pie, right?
You just read 2 verses of God’s holy Word.
Remember, you are developing the most vital skill there is to see God’s Word correctly and handle it accurately!
I am so proud of you!
Shall We Call It a Day?
Mull over what we just read.
Perhaps read and re-read for clarity, and
Consider what God has said through James.
Ponder the contrasts, that are signaled with the word ‘but‘.
Did you have questions?
Put them in your Notes.
Ask God to answer them.
He will!
Let’s Close in Prayer
OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, we seek to bless You with our praise today! We are so thankful for Your Word that frees us, that cleanses and sanctifies us. May this Word that we just read slowly and with purpose make head way from our heads to our hearts. May we truly ponder and chew on what You are saying to us, about talking against others, judging others. Help us to examine ourselves to see if we are guilty of this. May we examine our hearts, to truly see if this is a habit of our lives. May Your holy Word renew our minds and transform us from the inside out! We ask this in Jesus name. Amen!
Thank you for hanging in there, and being disciplined to discover and learn truth!
Next: we will dig in to understand why it so serious to ‘speak against one another’.
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