What has God done for me, a sinner?


We saw who God regards as sinners.  


We want to understand what God did for sinners.

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Let’s Pray

Oh Lord, we are hungry and thirsty. May Your Spirit instruct us today as we come to Your spiritual food, Your Living Word. Lord, please help us to focus, hear Your voice and understand what You are teaching us. Thank you Lord, (Neh 9:20)!


LOOK at What God Says

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Let’s pick up where we left off yesterday.


READ God’s Word

Read James 5:19-20 again.


Focus on verse 20, asking the 5W’s and H.



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Hear God Speak!


Our focus is on sinners from verse 20, 

. . . he who turns a sinner from the error of his way. . .

We saw yesterday who God regards as sinners.

1. Now, let’s see –  What God did for sinners?

Rom 5:8

God demonstrated His love for us,

while we were yet sinners,

Christ died for us. (Rom 5:8)


2. Why did Jesus come and die?

Mat 9:13; 1Ti 1:15

Jesus did not come to call the righteous, but sinners(Mat 9:13)

Jesus came to save sinners, among whom he (Paul) was foremost of all. (1Ti 1:15)


Understand: For through one man’s disobedience (Adam), you are I were made sinners, but through the obedience of the One (Jesus) we are made righteous. (Rom 5:18)

Sinner refers to what a person is before Christ, before they are made righteous.

Sinner refers to the ungodly, those of the devil, who practice sin.

We see: Sinner is a term that is  used for an unbeliever.


When you have time consider a Word Search on sinner(s). 


Now Let’s Stop a Minute!

Consider believers, because we know we do sin.

1. What does God call believers?

Col 1:2

Believer’s are saints’ in Christ. 

Consider a Word Search‘saints’ is used 60x in the NT. 

Saint means to be holyset apart, separated, sanctified.


Understand: When a sinner, turns from sin to God, through repentance and belief, they are born again and a change has taken place.

Do you remember we saw this back in:

Chapter 1 when we looked at God bringing us forth by the Word;

Chapter 2 when we looked at dead faith, seeing what Nicodemus needed to be born again.

(We will look a bit more at this tomorrow).

 For now understand: Saints have been set apart unto God, and set apart from sin and death.


2. What do you understand about saints and sin?

1Jo 3:7-9

Believer’s are saints who yes do sin, but

They do NOT practice sin.

Those who practice sin are of the devil.

No one born of God practices sin. (1Jo 3:7-9)

Understand: Practice is a present indicative meaning continuous action, a habit of life!


3. Who saw their sin? How did they deal with it?

a. Psa 51:1-12

David loved the Lord, but

saw his sin,

knew he was responsible for his sin,

was broken over his sin, and

confessed his sin(Psa 51:1-12) 


b. Isa 6:1-5

Isaiah, the prophet, who spoke on behalf of the LORD,

saw the LORD who is holy,

then saw his own sin and

confessed he was a man of unclean lips(Isa 6:1-5)


5. How do saints deal with sin today?

Joh 16:13; 14:26; 2Ti 3:16-17; 1Jo 1:9

It is the Holy Spirit who

gently leads us into Truth(Joh 16:13; 14:26) and

reminds us of God’s Word that reproves and corrects, (2Ti 3:16-17)

prompting us to confess. (1Jo 1:9)



Understand: Sinners who surrender to Jesus – are now saints

Saints love and understand God;

understand sin; and

understand it is God alone who can:

give grace (power to deal with sin), purify, cleanse, and forgive.

Saints are helped by the Spirit to resist sin and live pleasing God.


We see: Believers, are saints, who do sin, but they deal with their sin.



Am I a sinner, or a saint?

Do I have a heart that wants to please God?

Do I have a heart that is quick to deal with my own sin?

Respond to God. . .LIVE it out!

You did great!

Shall We Call It a Day?

You have heard God speak!

Were you quick to hear?

How has God moved you?  Stirred you?


Contemplate all that He is teaching you.

Oh, talk to the Loving Father!


Record Your Discovery in Your Notes

Expressing Yourself is Part of the Learning Process.

When you record your discovery and how God spoke to you,

it affords you the opportunity to go back again and again to refresh your memory,


Talk to God, and be obedient to your response.

Video Tutorial>  Notes Tutorial >


Turn What We Have LEARNED Into Prayer

Perhaps. . .

FATHER GOD, THE GOD OF ALL TRUTH, WHO SPEAKS NOTHING BUT TRUTH, and LORD JESUS WHO IS THE WAY TO THE FATHER, IS THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FATHER, AND IS LIFE WITH THE FATHER we bow before You and praise You who are our Masters. Thank you HOLY SPIRIT, SPIRIT OF TRUTH, for convicting each one of us of our sin and righteousness, (Joh 16:8), leading us and guiding us into all Truth. We thank you for Your Word of Truth, being right at our very fingertips, to explain to us who You are Lord God, and what You require of us. We are most grateful for Your Gospel, the good news of You Lord Jesus coming purposely to die for our sins, but being raised, and You now sit at the right hand of God the Father interceding on our behalf, (1Co 15:3-8); (Heb1:3-4; 7:25). Thank you for granting us eyes to see and understand, and allowing us to be saved, from our sins and death, by grace through faith. We are most grateful for Your Word that is renewing our minds, (Rom 12:2), showing us what to believe and where we are wrong in our beliefs and thinking, correcting us so our beliefs will be set straight.  Thank you that You are training us up in righteousness, (2Ti 3:16-17). Oh, help us to see our own sin, and confess, letting You cleanse us of all unrighteousness, (1Jo 1:9). May you change our hearts so much so that we will press forward to know You, love and obey You, and live Your Truth out in our lives. We ask this in Your name Lord Jesus! Amen!


Next: We will zoom in on ‘turning’.

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