Am I full of mercy and good fruits?
We zoomed in on the wisdom that is from God is gentle and reasonable in verses 17-18.
Let’s LOOK at true wisdom being ‘full of mercy and good fruits’.
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Let’s Pray
Oh Lord, as we come to Your Word today, speak to our hearts. Lord, grant us understanding, that Your Word would impact our lives, and we would live in the light of what You are teaching us. Thank you!
LOOK at What God Says
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READ God’s Word
Read James 3:13-18, asking the 5W’s and H.
Let’s Incorporate All Our Strategies
Let’s pick up where we left off yesterday in verses 17, and LOOK at a few more of these characteristics.
“But wisdom from above is first pure, THEN…peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits. . .”
Understand: “Full of mercy and good fruits” go together.
Understand: They go hand in hand so to speak because out of genuine mercy flows compassionate acts, good fruits, in meeting someone’s need.
But let’s LOOK at each one separately.
Understand God’s Words
Check Out the Meaning
Mercy, éleos; compassion. Passing over deserved punishment. Is compassion to others in need.
“This came to mean mercy for the man who is in trouble, even if the trouble is his own fault. Christian pity is the reflection of God’s pity; and that went out to men, not only when they were suffering unjustly, but when they were suffering through their own fault.” William Barclay
Let Truth Explain Truth
CR-Cross References-Word Search Tutorial >
1. Do you remember what we learned in Chapter 2 about mercy?
Do you remember what we walked away with from the parable of the Good Samaritan?
2. What else do we learn about mercy?
a. This is another Beatitude: Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy. (Matt. 5:7)
b. The context of Luke 6 is the Beatitudes. Jesus commanded – love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return – be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. (Luk 6:27-36)
3. How did God show His mercy to us?
But God demonstrates his own love and mercy for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us…while we were God’s enemies… (Rom 5:8)
Understand: God’s mercy toward us is compassion, in NOT giving us what we deserve, which is punishment and death for sin.
Rather, He forgives us!
We see: We imitate God’s mercy.
What does that look like?
We then:
Forgive people who have wronged us;
Have a concern for others;
Reach out to people with compassion, especially those who are suffering;
Are NOT concerned with self.
4. What is the opposite of mercy?
Obviously unmerciful! It would be the selfish ambition that is at the root of earthly wisdom.
Engage With God
Do I habitually show compassion to those in need?
Who are my enemies? Do I love my enemies? Do I pray for those who mistreat me?
Am I kind and compassionate to those who are difficult to be kind and compassionate to?
Am I able to turn the other cheek and forgive?
Is there someone I need to forgive?
Who have I reached out to this week that is suffering?
Respond to God…LIVE it out!
Next. . .
“But wisdom from above is first pure, THEN peaceable, gentle, reasonable, ‘full of mercy and good fruits. . .”
Understand God’s Words
Check Out the Meaning
Good, agathós; Good and benevolent, profitable, useful.
Fruits, karpós; Fruit or produce both of trees and plants and of the earth. For effect, result (James 3:17).
Let Truth Explain Truth
CR-Cross References-Word Search Tutorial >
1. Do you remember what we learned in Chapter 2 about faith without ‘works’ being dead?
2. What do you understand about full of good fruits?
When a person abides in Jesus, the Spirit bears: fruit, more fruit, much fruit to the glory of God. (Joh 15:1-2, 5-8, 16)
Did you notice the progression of fruit?
1st there is some kind of fruit – then more fruit – then much fruit.
3. What are believers filled with?
Believers are filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus. (Phil 1:11)
4. What is the opposite of full of good fruits?
No good fruit, no good works.
Engage With God
Am I full of mercy?
Am I yielding to the Holy Spirit, letting Him produce much fruit?
What good fruits are flowing out of my mercy towards others?
What gives evidence of this fullness in my life?
Respond to God…LIVE it out!
That’s It For Today!
Reflect on all God has shown you about His wisdom from above.
As you do, you might ponder how these characteristics of God’s wisdom parallel and reflect the Lord’s teaching of the Beatitudes.
Journal Your Discovery
Add these Truths to your Notes on God’s Wisdom.
Let’s Pray
Perhaps. . .
OH FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN, we bow before You humbly, You who are the source of true wisdom. We thank you that wisdom, Your wisdom, just shouted to us, and my prayer is that we have been attentive, and we have inclined our hearts to understanding, (Psa 2:2). Oh Father, how do You see us? May we continue to examine ourselves! Are we like You, Christ, full of mercy – loving our enemies; praying for those who mistreat us; turning the cheek; willing to reach out to those who are suffering? Are we yielding to You, Holy Spirit, letting You produce much fruit? Is fruit being seen by others, bringing You honor and glory? Oh Father, make us merciful! Help us to realize how much we needed Your mercy, and continue to need Your unfailing mercy, and how You extended that mercy to us, not giving us what we deserved! May we in turn extend Your mercy to others, being compassionate and concerned for others. Transform us Father, make us all unwavering in our commitment to You and others, without partiality. Oh may we live pure, holy lives that honor You. Thank you for Your wisdom that has been given to us in Christ, in whose name we pray and ask these things. Amen!
Next: We will continue to LOOK at this wisdom that is of God.
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