Do I sow righteousness in peace?


We zoomed in on the wisdom that is  from God in verses 17-18.


Let’s continue to see what God says about wisdom that is from Him.

Open GODcha to the Book of James.

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Let’s Pray

Oh Lord, open our eyes today. We know that when we really see, Your Truth will change us profoundly. We know we cannot see without Your help, so we ask that You remove our blinders, and allow us to see correctly. May we treasure what You show us and bury it deep within our hearts. Thank you! (Psa 119:11)


LOOK at What God Says

 Let GODcha direct you.

What will you do first?

READ God’s Word

Read James 3:13-18, asking the 5W’s and H.

Engage now>

What are the characteristics of God’s wisdom?

What are the results of God’s Wisdom?


Let’s Incorporate All Our Strategies

Let’s pick up where we left off yesterday in verses 17-18, and LOOK at the results of God’s Wisdom.

“And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”

Now THINK with me for a minute: 

Fruit that is harvested becomes a seed for the next planting.

Keep this in mind.


Unlock the Meaning

What words are Key?

There are several here that I wanted to check out!

Understand God’s Words

Check Out the Meaning

 Dictionary Tutorial >

Fruitkarpós; is produce. (II) Metaphorically, fruit, meaning: (A) Of deeds, works, conduct (Matt. 3:8; 7:16, 20; 21:43). (B) For effect, result (James 3:17). (C) By implication, for profit, advantage, good (James 3:18).


Righteousnessdikaiosúnē; of character, conduct, etc. of doing what is right. Internal, where the heart is right with God, piety toward God, and hence righteousness, godliness (Mt 5:6,… Jas 3:18).


Sownspeírōis to scatter seed.


Peaceeireânēquietness, rest. (I) Peace, particularly in a civil sense, the opposite of war and dissension (Lk 14:32; Ac 12:20; Rev 6:4). Among individuals, peace, harmony (Mt 10:34; Lk 12:51; Ac 7:26; Ro 14:19; Heb 7:2).


TIP: Let’s not forget to take the meanings back to the text.

“And the seed whose fruit [result] is righteousness [doing right] is sown [scattered] in peace [the opposite of war; harmony; tranquility] by those who make peace.”


Do you see: The sowing and reaping principle here? (Gal 6:7-8)

Understand: We reap what we sow.

A farmer works hard to sow corn, reaping corn, not peas.



How do those who make peace (peacemakers) make peace?

Peacemakers work hard to sow [scatter]

How do they scatter?


What do they scatter?

the seed of God’s Wisdom;

these 8 characteristics;

that are righteous acts [doing what is right with God and others],

What do those righteous acts reap?

more fruit of righteousness and peace.


We see: we must work hard (think before we speak and act) to sow (scatter) seed of righteousness in peace, and that seed bears fruit of righteousness in peace, and the cycle continues.

Isn’t this ever so cool?


Let’s see what else God says about this fruit of righteousness in peace.

Let Truth Explain Truth

 CR-Cross References-Word Search Tutorial >

We learned early on that we lay hold of Christ’s righteousness by faith, (Rom 3:22).

1. What are those of the faith filled with?

Those of faith are filled with the fruit of righteousness. (Phil 1:11)

The “fruit of righteousness” is an OT phrase and is found again in Phil. 1:11 and Heb. 12:11, where “righteousness” or conformity to the highest moral standards is described as the peaceful fruit” or discipline patiently endured. We must never forget that the word “righteousness” refers to the rights of God clearly desired by the child of God in whose heart His righteousness dwells. Zodiates Dictionary


2. What else do we learn about righteousness?

a. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied. (Mat 5:6)


b. Righteousness is a fruit of the Spirit. (Gal 5:22-23)

We see: we hunger and thirst for righteousness, and it is produced in us by the Spirit.


3. What do you learn about righteousness and peace being linked together?

a. Righteousness and peace have kissed each other. (Psa 85:10)


b.  The fruit of righteousness is peace. (Isa 32:17)


c. For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Rom 14:17)


Understand: God’s wisdom has everything to do with righteousness and peace. Being right with God and right with man then there is peace.


Engage With God



Is righteousness being produced in my life? 

Am I working hard to sow righteousness in peace? How so?

What do I do when someone comes against me, persecutes me, speaks evil against me?

Respond to God…LIVE it out!


LIVE it out…Make it practical:

If we have received God’s Word,

and let it be planted down deep, then

we will earnestly work to be peacemakers.


We need to:

Be quick to hear. . .

-Try to understand the position of others; and

-Be submissive to God and place the needs of others before ourselves;

Be slow to speak.

Choose our words carefully;

Be slow to anger.

God’s Word can change any anger issues we have.


What Have We LEARNED

Let’s Sum  Up James 3:17-18!


God’s Wisdom is the Opposite of the World’s Wisdom

God’s Wisdom is:

First pure;

Then, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.

The Result: the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace.



We are to sow righteousness in peace in the midst of our trials (circumstances and situations).


With pure motives, and hearts that are right toward God and others –

1. We control our tongues;

2. We resist the temptation — we pray not to be led into temptation, giving into the lust of our flesh;

3. But we fulfill the Royal Law.

Understand: Our behavior and our words prove if we have the wisdom of God.


That’s It For Today!

Reflect on all God has shown you about His wisdom from above.


1. Which of the characteristics that are worldly wisdom do I struggle with?

How will I guard against them?

2. Which of the characteristics that are Godly wisdomdo I need to work on?

How will I do it?


Talk to God, He loves you so much!

He is right there to help you, and me too!


Journal Your Discovery

Add these Truths to your Notes on God’s Wisdom.


Let’s Pray

Perhaps. . .

OH FATHER GOD,  we want to bless Your name forever and ever, as Daniel did. For wisdom and power belong to You. You change the times and the epochs; You removes kings and establishes kings; You give wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding. You reveal the profound and hidden things; And know what’s in the darkness, for light dwells with You, (Dan 2:20-22). Oh, reveal to us the condition of our hearts?  Please forgive us when we have not been wise in our trials, failing to be peacemakers; failing to be gentle and reasonable; failing to show mercy toward others; guilty of being hypocritical and judging others. Oh Father, forgive us for the many times we have not sowed the fruit of righteousness. Father, help every single one of us. Oh, may all of us work hard to sow the fruit of righteousness. May we do what is right with You and others, pouring out that love and mercy to others that You have poured out on each one of us! May we be peacemakers, pleasing in Your sight! Oh Father, thank you for Your wisdom that has been given to us in Christ, in whose name we pray and ask these things. Amen!

You are doing great!

Don’t you love: your time with the Lord; learning to hear Him speak directly to you His Words of Wisdom?


Next: We will wrap up these 2 kinds of wisdom, pulling everything that we have learned together so we can live our lives according to God’s wisdom, not man’s.

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