Is my life full of disorder and chaos?
We zeroed in on this wisdom that is not of God is earthly, natural and demonic.
We will LOOK at the ‘results’ of this false wisdom.
Open GODcha to the Book of James.
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Let’s Pray
Oh Lord, as we come to Your Word today, teach us, O LORD, the way of Your statutes, And we shall observe it to the end. Give us understanding, that we may observe Your law And keep it with all our hearts. Make us walk in the path of Your commandments, For we delight in it, (Psa 119:33-35). Thank You!
LOOK at What God Says
Let GODcha point the way.
Where will you begin?
READ God’s Word
Read James Ch 3, verses 13-18, asking the 5W’s and H.
What are the results of this wisdom that is not of God?
Unlock the Meaning to the Text
What is key to this verse?
Understand God’s Words
Check Out the Meaning
Let’s check out what these Key words mean.
Disorder, akatastasía; instability, commotion, confusion.
Evil thing, phaúlos; ‘foul’ wicked:—evil, bad, worthless. In the NT, morally, bad, evil, wicked. Spoken of evil deeds (Jn 3:20; 5:29; Jas 3:16).
TIP: Now take the definitions back to the text.
“For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder [instability, commotion, confusion] and every evil thing [foul, wicked, worthless thing].”
God Uses Truth to Explain Truth
CR-Cross References-Word Search Tutorial >
Let’s zoom in on some of the Cross References that GODcha gives us for these results.
What do you learn about disorder?
God is not a God of confusion but of peace…. (1 Cor. 14:33)
So how does one bring order to disorder?
The answer, you all, is peace!
One of the characteristics of God’s Wisdom is peace! Hang on, we’ll be looking at this soon.
But for now, what is God saying to you?
When and why have I experienced disorder, confusion in my life?
Is there disorder or peace: in my home; in my relationships; in my workplace; in my church?
Is it a result of other people’s jealousy and selfishness?
Or, am I the one who is jealous and selfish?
Am I living according to earthly wisdom? Is my focus totally on me, myself and I?
Respond to God…LIVE it out!
“There is a kind of person who is undoubtedly clever; he has an acute brain and a skilful tongue; but his effect in any committee, in any Church, in any group, is to cause trouble, to drive people apart, to promote strife, to make trouble, to disturb personal relationships. It is a sobering thing to remember that the wisdom that man possesses is devilish rather than divine, and that such a man is engaged on Satan’s work and not on God’s work.” William Barclay
Shall We Call it a Day?
Reflect and meditate on what God taught us about this wisdom that is NOT from God, but is earthly, natural and demonic.
Save Your Discovery
As we bring this day to a close, journal your discovery and communion with the Lord in your Notes – save them forever!
Perhaps. . .
OH FATHER, OUR GREAT GOD OF PEACE, we come to You knowing You are not a God of disorder, confusion, or chaos. We bow before You and praise You today, and thank you for Your Word and what You are revealing to us about this wisdom that is not of You. Oh Father, may You help us understand these Truths so we can be wise applying these truths to our lives. Again I would ask, if any have been deceived, finally realizing they have been walking according to the world’s wisdom, living according to their flesh, fools, darkened in their understanding – oh, may they be willing to admit it, repent and seek Your forgiveness. We ask these things humbly, in the name of Jesus! Amen!
Next: we will LOOK at the wisdom of God.
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