Have I received God’s grace?
We zoomed in on God being opposed to the proud.
We are going to stay in verse 6, and learn about God’s grace.
Open GODcha to the Book of James.
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Let’s Ask God For Help
Oh Lord, we come to Your holy Word today, wanting to draw near to You. You have brought us here, and we ask that You quiet our hearts. Are any of us in sin? Is there anything that would hinder us from hearing what You are saying to us? Oh, purify us, cleanse us, let us hear You!
LOOK at What God Says
Let’s pick up where we left off yesterday.
What will you do first?
READ God’s Word
Read James Ch 4:6-10, asking the 5W’s and H.
Let’s take another dip into verse 6.
Unlock the Meaning 
What other words would be key to this verse?
Understand God’s Words
Check Out the Meaning
GODcha leads us to check out ‘grace’.
Grace, cháris; the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; favor, gift. Unmerited favor God gives to sinners who are undeserving, which he shows in saving us from sin.
TIP: Remember to take the meaning back to the text.
“But He (God) gives a greater grace (unmerited favor to sinners to save them from sin; a divine influence upon the heart that is reflected in life) to the humble.
Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD BUT GIVES GRACE (unmerited favor to sinners to save them from sin; a divine influence upon the heart that is reflected in life) TO THE HUMBLE.””
what is the Spirit asking?
Don’t I want God’s grace?
Don’t I want more grace?
Do I know how to tap into God’s grace?
Respond to God…LIVE it out!
LOOK at Other Truths About
CR-Cross References-Word Search Tutorial >
Tune In!
1. What does James quote in verse 6 from the OT and the NT?
Who does God give His grace to?
a. From the OT –
“The curse of the LORD is on the house of the wicked,
He blesses the dwelling of the righteous.
Surely He scoffs at the scoffers
He gives grace unto the lowly.” (Pro 3:33-34)
We see: the obvious contrast is between the wicked, the scoffer (which would be an unbeliever) and, the righteous, the lowly, (which would be a believer).
We see: another contrast regarding what God will do!
God will curse and scoff at the wicked, BUT, He will bless and give grace to the lowly, the humble.
Understand: James is NOT talking about 2 kinds of believers here.
b. From the NT – Peter said, “…clothe yourselves with humility toward one another for GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.” (1Pe 5:5)
We see: God gives His grace to the humble!
Am I humble?
Have I received God’s grace?
Respond to God…LIVE it out!
Keep perusing.
We should have this memorized by now as we have LOOKED at this before, but let’s scope it out again.
2. How do we tap into God’s grace?
God grants grace to a person who comes to Christ through faith. (Eph 2:8)
We see: God gives His grace to those who don’t deserve it and have not earned it!
UNDERSTAND: God’s grace is freely available to those who come to Christ through faith!
THINK: God’s grace, that divine influence, saves a person through faith!
Have I tapped into God’s grace by humbly coming to Christ through faith?
Respond to God…LIVE it out!
3. According to (2Co 12:9), what is God’s grace?
This is in the context of Paul crying out to God 3x to remove the thorn, and 3x the Lord said no.
God’s grace is sufficient, for power is perfected in weakness!
We see: God’s grace is sufficient for our every need.
We see: God’s grace is God’s power (that divine influence upon the heart and its reflection in life) that enables us to live as He requires.
THINK: Grace is God’s POWER, thus it is GREATER as James says!
THINK: Greater than anything and everything!
Greater than: sin,
our fleshly desires,
any selfishness,
evil and Satan,
the world,
even death!
You might do a Word Search on grace to see what else God says about grace.
Maybe make a running LIST on the Truths about grace in your notes to review and get down deep in your heart and mind.
Your discovery will bless you beyond measure.
When have I been weak in my human strength but God’s grace, His power, was sufficient, sustaining me?
Do others see God’s grace, His power, His divine influence in my life?
Respond to God…LIVE it out!
Our Day Has Come to an End!
More Truth to Ponder!
Think about what God is teaching you about the solution to conflict.
Chew on the need to humble ourselves before the Lord!
Savor every morsel about God’s grace that is readily available and greater for those who are humble!
Now, Record What God has Taught You.
Put your discovery in your Notes.
Record the personal things God has touched you with.
Turn What You LEARNED into a Prayer
Perhaps. . .
GRACIOUS HEAVENLY FATHER, THE GOD OF ALL GRACE (1Pe 5:10), we come to Your throne of grace (Heb 4:16) this day, praising You for who You are, and thank you that You are the giver of grace. You are the One who gives grace, grace that is greater than anything and everything! Oh Father, we are most grateful for that unmerited favor, favor that we do not deserve, but that You so freely give to save us from our sins. May we understand the depth of Your grace, that it is the divine influence upon our hearts that is reflected in our lives. That it is power, Your power, at our disposal that is quite sufficient and enables us to live as You require. And as we contemplate Your abundant grace (Rom 5:17) You have lavishly bestowed upon us (Eph 1:6,8), in which we stand (Rom 5:2), may we be strengthened by Your grace (Heb 13:9) and rest in it’s total sufficiency! In Jesus name I ask that grace and peace be multiplied to us (1Pe 1:2)! Thank you!
We are thrilled you are sticking with your discovery. Thank you for discovering God’s Truth with us. Please share and invite others to join you on this journey.
Next: we will LOOK at what it takes to be humble.
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