How are my trials purifying me?



Various trials are going to come. Expect them!

Trials come to test our faith!


We want to take another bite and chew on ‘why else’ trials come.

Open GODcha to the Book of James.

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Let’s Ask For Help

Oh Lord, as we come to Your Word today, help us to shut out all other voices as You teach us.  And we ask that You give us the clarity we need to understand what Your will is, for You are our God. Let Your good Spirit lead us on level ground, (Psa 143:10). Thank you!


LOOK at What God Says!

So let’s keep LOOKING, letting GODcha point the way!

Open GODcha’s LOOK Segment >


You should know by now where to start.


Let’s read James 1:2-4 again, asking the 5W’s and H questions to put you in context.

Engage now>

Yes, be persistent.

Keep reading these verses with a questioning mindset.

There is no substitute for reading.

Remember, God is speaking to you!

THINK about what He is saying.


Understand the Meaning 

Do you remember what ‘trialsmeans?

It’s just a tap away.  Refresh your memory.


Today Let’s LOOK at Other Truths About Trials

 CR-Cross References-Word Search Tutorial >

And as you do –

Hear God Speak!

 God Talks – We listen carefully.

We Talk – and He listens.

Oh, WATCH how this will become like second nature to you

as you develop this special fellowship with your Lord.

DO NOT get in a hurry!

You are meeting with your King!


Let’s give it a shot. 

1According to Hebrews, ‘why’ did Jesus suffer

Jesus learned obedience through His sufferings(Heb 5:7-8)


LISTEN…what might the Spirit be asking?

Am I learning obedience through my sufferings?

How so?

Or, do I think my life should be trouble free?

Why do I think I would be any different than Jesus?

How are my sufferings changing me?

Respond to God…LIVE it out!

Sweet Jesus, what You suffered is beyond human reasoning.

Forgive me for the way I view my trials of suffering.

Please forgive me for not being sensitive to what You are trying to teach me through my sufferings.

Father, thank you, I can see You are weaning me from the world, showing me my sins, strengthening my commitment to You, making me more dependent upon You, and teaching me obedience.

May I be quick to learn and quick to obey. May I truly follow You in Your obedience.


2According to Peter, ‘why’ do trials come

a. Peter said: trials prove our faith is genuine. (1Pe 1:6-9)


Are my trials proving my faith to be genuine?

Respond to God…LIVE it out! 

You are on your own! Talk to God!


bPeter said: you have been distressed by various trials —


so the proof of your faith,

Is what?

being more precious than gold…even though tested by fire

What is the result of our testings?  

that we may be found in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1Pe 1:6-9)


THINK: gold like other precious metals is filled with impurities and must be refined by fire to make it pure.

We see: trials are testings by fire, giving us the picture that they remove the impurities in us, and purify us to bring greater joy!



How are my testings purifying me?

Is the Lord being praised and glorified as my faith is being proven real?

Will the result of my testings be that I will be found praising the Lord at His revelation?

Respond to God…LIVE it out!

You can do this!

Have a heart to heart with God!


c. Peter said: not to to be surprised by the fiery ordeal,

expect the trials,

they come for our testing(1Pe 4:12-13)


Why am I always surprised at the fiery ordeals that come my way?

Do I understand trials come to test me?

Respond to God…LIVE it out!

Chat with God! He’s waiting!


d. Peter said: After you have suffered for a little while,

the God of all grace,

who called you to His eternal glory in Christ,

will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. (1Pe 5:10)


How am I suffering right now? 

Do I understand the suffering is for my good?

How is my suffering perfecting and strengthening me?

Respond to God…LIVE it out!

Cry out to God! He loves you!


Take a Breather

We’ll finish up tomorrow, and review all we have LEARNED.

Meditate on what God has taught you!

How has God corrected your thinking when it comes to trials?


Pour your heart out to your Loving Father! He is listening.

Ask Him:

 ‘What is He trying to teach you?

‘What is He chiseling in you?


“God doesn’t simply want us to feel good. He wants us to be good. And very often the road to being good involves not feeling good.” Randy Alcorn


Record Your Discovery In Your Notes

As we bring this day to a close, journal your discovery, thoughts and communion with the Lord in your Notes

Video Tutorial > Notes Tutorial>


You might want to put these Cross References in your hardbound Bible next to these verses.

Turn What You Have LEARNED into a Prayer

Perhaps. . .

OH FATHER GOD, we are so grateful for these important Truths. Oh Father, life can be so hard at times with various trials that come into our lives. Thank you for letting us hear You speak to our hearts so clearly through Your living Word by Your Spirit. May we know trials come for a purpose and that You are at work! May we comprehend that You are teaching us obedience in our sufferings to make us more like You, Jesus. Change our hearts and lives regarding trials. Help us not to be surprised, but to recognize the fiery ordeal is there to prove our faith. To prove that what we say we believe in, we really believe in! May our faith be precious to us, and come out in joy! And may You receive praise, glory and honor as our faith is proven true. In Jesus name we pray! Amen!


Next: we will uncover more about Trials’.

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