Do I expect trials?
We finished LOOKING at ‘considering it all joy’.
We will turn our attention to ‘trials’, and hang out there for a bit.
Open GODcha to the Book of James.
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Let’s Pray
O LORD, teach us the way of Your statutes, And we shall observe them to the end. Give us understanding, that we may observe Your law, and keep it with all our hearts, (Psa 119:33-34). Thank you!
LOOK at What God Says!
Now Before We Begin Today,
I want to take a minute to explain to you the need to keep. . .
The LOOKING is what most of us skip,
Yet this is where we should spend 80% of our time.
Understand: the key to understanding Truth is to
Understand: When we really see what God says,
then it is easier to understand what God means.
Let GODcha lead you in your discovery.
How will you get going?
READ God’s Word
Read James 1:2-4 again, asking the 5W’s and H questions.
Continue to practice reading developing a questioning mindset.
Repetition and review are a necessary part of the learning process.
Let’s keep our focus on verse 2 and the 1st part of verse 3.
When are we to consider it all joy?
When we encounter various trials.
1. Did you see, James doesn’t say ‘if’ but ‘when’?
KNOW: Trials will definitely come.
2. What kind of trials will come?
KNOW: We will encounter ‘various‘ kinds of trials.
Understand: They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes.
3. What do trials do?
KNOW: Trials ‘test‘ our faith.
Unlock the Meaning
GODcha Helps Us See What Words Are Key!
Let’s unlock ‘trials’.
Understand God’s Words!
What Is The Meaning For ‘Trials‘?
Trials, peirasmós; adversity, temptation, putting to the test, testing. (II) Trial, temptation. A state of trial in which God brings His people through adversity and affliction in order to encourage and prove their faith and confidence in Him (1Co 10:13; Jas 1:2…).
THINK: of the adjectives below, from Webster’s Dictionary, as you think of trials, adversity, temptations, testings —
TIP: Remember to take what you have learned back to the text.
“Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials [adversities, temptations, testings, which God brings to encourage and prove our faith and confidence in him.]”
We see: Every trial is a TESTING!
“To pass the test – mark it – keeps it a trial. To fail the test turns it into a temptation. If it ends up as sin, it has proven to be a successful temptation.” John MacArthur
God Uses Truth to Explain Truth!
Check Out Some Cross References For ‘Trials’.
CR-Cross References-Word Search Tutorial >
Let’s take a stab at it!
THINK and REASON asking the 5W’s and H!
1. What did Jesus say about tribulation (trouble, trials)?
Peace is in Him, in Jesus,
the brethren are to expect tribulation in this world. (Joh 16:33)
We see: It’s normal to have trials, tribulations, troubles.
2. How do we enter the kingdom?
We enter the kingdom through many tribulations. (Act 14:22)
What Did We LEARN?
Various trials will come.
Trials are to be expected.
Trials are a testing of our faith.
Our peace is in Jesus,
NOT in our circumstances (trials).
We enter the kingdom through many tribulations.
God Talks, We Listen.
We talk, He listens.
Hear and Respond to God!
What Might the Spirit Be Asking?
Do I expect tribulation in this world? Many tribulations?
Or, have I assumed I should be free of tribulation? Why?
Do I feel crushed by the world or my circumstances?
Am I able to have peace in the midst of this crushing, the heartache, that I am facing?
Respond to God…LIVE it out!
Try responding to God on your own 1st.
THEN, take a peek at the examples below.
Oh Lord, I do not have peace right now. I have:
Drenched my bed in tears;
A marriage on the brink of divorce;
A desire to be married, but still single;
Been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease;
A child that is wandering; or physically sick; or mentally sick;
Lost a loved one to death;
Hard feelings towards another person because of a disagreement, misunderstanding, jealousy;
Been betrayed by a friend;
Lost my job, overwhelmed with so much financial stress;
So much weight, and burden, and pressure, I feel like I am drowning….
Lord, help me to have the peace that You promised in the midst of my circumstances.
Thank you Lord that my peace is in You, not in my circumstances.
Please keep this in the forefront of my heart and mind.
Help me to keep my eyes fixed on You.
Oh Lord, when I see and know the trials, the tribulations You went through while on this earth, why would I think I should be exempt?
Forgive me for thinking my life should be easy and free of tribulations.
I get caught in this trap, not expecting them.
Help me to remember that every trial is to be expected.
Oh, Do You See?
LISTEN to His Every Word!
Think, Reason, Hear and Respond
Are you beginning to understand that there is so much more to reading God’s Word,
that is alive and sharper than a two-edged sword,
that pierces,
divides and
shows us the intents of our heart, (Heb 4:12)?
Oh, I so pray you are!
Are you not in awe of how much God can speak to your heart when you are willing to take the time?
Why would you miss out on such sweet communion with God the Father, and your Lord and Savior who died for you?
Let’s Call It a Day!
Oh, are you in the midst of a trial?
Reflect on what you must know about trials.
God wants you to “consider what He is saying and let Him give you understanding in everything,” (2Ti 2:7).
Meditate on all God is teaching you.
Let His Truth set you free and comfort you, bringing encouragement and security to you today!
“Let my meditation be pleasing to Him; As for me, I shall be glad in the LORD,” (Psalm 104:34).
Record Your Discovery in Your Notes
As we bring this day to a close, journal your discovery and communion with the Lord in your Notes — save them forever!
Video Tutorial > Notes Tutorial>
Let’s Pray What We Have Learned
Perhaps. . .
OH FATHER GOD, we are so grateful for the richness of Your Word. Thank you for letting us hear You speak to our hearts so clearly through Your living Word by Your Spirit. Thank you for these vital Truths You are teaching us about trials. Oh Father, forgive us for thinking we should be free from trials, troubles, tribulations.
Oh, please change our hearts and lives regarding trials. May we remember we will encounter various kinds of trials, many tribulations by which we enter Your kingdom. May we understand that You did not promise us peace from trials, but that our peace is in You sweet Jesus. And because of You, we can have peace in the midst of our trials.
Oh Father, give us a calm peace in our hearts and a radiant joy no matter our trials. Oh, let these Truths sink down deep and take root in our lives, as we keep our eyes fixed on You Lord Jesus, in whose name we pray these things. Amen!
Thank you for wanting to know your God, and for taking time to understand Him and love Him with all your heart. See you tomorrow.
Next: we will LOOK @ more of what God has to say about trials.
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